Rutland Herald (VT)
July 1, 2013

Omya plans to extend rail line

PITTSFORD — Omya Inc. is planning to extend its rail line from its Florence calcium carbonate plant to its Hogback quarry. The company said it will shortly file an Act 250 permit application to extend the “existing rail line by 1,225 feet into the south end of our site.”

“The rail line extension provides a means to economically ship (road) aggregate throughout the state of Vermont where it is greatly needed, reduce the number of trucks hauling aggregate on Vermont highways and allow for greater utilization of the material that is not needed for feedstock at our Verpol facility,” Omya said in its recent newsletter.

The company anticipates construction will begin this summer with completion by the fall.

In a related matter, Omya has received temporary Act 250 authorization for delivery of up to 1,000 tons of aggregate a week to the town of Chester for municipal construction projects.

Omya noted that the project will not increase its annual permitted production limit or hours of