Rutland Herald

OMYA issue affects board appointment

October 30, 2000
By SANDI SWITZER Herald Correspondent

WALLINGFORD - A controversial trucking issue that has dominated recent Select Board agendas became an issue in the board's latest appointment.

By unanimous consent, the Wallingford Select Board recently appointed Sue Gilmore to fill a seat left vacant by the resignation of Selectwoman Diane Colvin due to personal and professional reasons.

Gilmore was one of three candidates to meet with officials at a meeting Oct. 16 to discuss on an informal basis their reasons for wanting to join the board.

William Lohsen and Earl Rand were the other candidates interested in the post, and they also attended the meeting.

Each candidate was given the opportunity to speak to board members, and answer questions. Officials then proceeded to nominations, and the three candidates each received a nomination.

Select Board Chairman Chris Dinnan explained the "ideal candidate" would be someone everyone on the board could support.

It was pointed out that Lohsen was interested in a long-term commitment to the board, had prior experience on other town boards and organizations, and attended meetings regularly.

At least one board member thought that Rand's experience as a contractor and in the construction field would prove to be an asset.

Another view held was that Gilmore could bring a fresh perspective to the board. With officials seemingly undecided on the appointment, it came down to the issue dominating recent town politics and Select Board agendas - OMYA Inc.'s proposal to open a quarry in Danby and haul product through Wallingford to a processing plant in Florence.

Lohsen has been a vocal opponent of the associated truck traffic, reasoning that the use of Route 140 would burden local taxpayers with large maintenance costs.

Rand has made it known that he supports the new jobs associated with the project, and fears placing restrictions on the roads.

Gilmore has not taken a public position on the project, and was asked for her opinion.

She said she viewed it as an "extremely high risk" to use Route 140 as a haul route, but promised to keep an open mind on OMYA's proposal.

The board then agreed by unanimous consent to have Gilmore fill the vacancy.

Selectman Hans Huessy strongly urged Rand and Lohsen to considering running for the board in March.