Aberdeen Press and Journal
Louise Hosie
13 May 2003

Two companies are facing allegations of breaching health and safety regulations after an incident in which a man's arm became caught in a machine, leaving him disfigured. Charles W Michie Ltd, of 54 Park Road, Aberdeen, is accused of failing to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its staff between February 1 and August 8 last year. It is alleged the firm failed to ensure effective measures were taken to prevent access to a dangerous part of machinery. It is also claimed the company did not stop the manual cleaning of the belt conveyor when in motion, and did not check that a nearby warning light was working, to warn the employee that the machine was about to start operating.

It is alleged that, on August 8, an employee was cleaning a build-up of chalk on the machine when it started automatically, dragging his arm into the equipment and trapping it, to his severe injury and permanent disfigurement.

Omya UK Ltd, of Dorking, Surrey, is accused of failing to stop the manual cleaning of the belt while in motion and not providing an alternative mechanism for cleaning the rollers.

It is further alleged that it did not ensure the warning light was fitted beside the conveyor.

At Aberdeen Sheriff Court yesterday, the case was continued without plea, on a defence motion, until June 2.