Nothing in the Pipeline?

Some Economic and Environmental Effects of the Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline and Generating Facilities in Southwestern Vermont

A Study Prepared For
Vermont Public Interest Research Group

Dr. Richard A. Rosen
Mr. Freyr Sverrisson
Tellus Institute
11 Arlington Street
Boston, MA 02116-3411
(617) 266-5400
December, 1999
(Public Release by VPIRG, March 15, 2000)


  1. Introduction
  2. What is the local economic benefit of the proposed power plants?
    1. Would electricity become cheaper?
    2. How does the supply of fuel and other generating plants affect this project?
    3. Would Vermont benefit from increased direct use of natural gas?
  3. Is it likely that this project will displace upwind coal generation, thereby reducing local or statewide air pollution?
    1. Would the plants displace upwind coal generation?
    2. Would local air pollution be reduced?
  4. Structural constraints: Limits of the transmission system.
  5. Sustainability of the project: Linking economic and environmental aspects.

About Tellus Institute: Founded in 1976, Tellus Institute is a non-profit research and consulting organization that promotes equitable and sustainable resource management. Tellus projects address policy and planning issues in such areas as energy, water, waste and land use. In areas of market and regulations, The Energy Group focuses on the analysis of strategies for restructuring and deregulating the electric utility industry with respect to their ability to protect consumers from higher rates, and to protect the environment. In particular, we stress the proper calculation of stranded costs, the appropriate structure and rates for standard offer services, and innovative research into the potential for market power to be exercised at all levels.

Dr. Rosen is Executive Vice President and Manager of the Energy Program at Tellus Institute. As a co-founder of Tellus, he has over twenty years of experience in utility resource planning and management.

Mr. Sverrisson is a Research Associate at Tellus Institute. His work is focused primarily on electric utility restructuring.

Copyright © 2000 by (Vermonters for a Clean Environment, Inc.)
March 21, 2000